• Overview
  • Diseases & Conditions
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatments

A tiny mesh tube called a stent is inserted inside blocked arteries to keep them open and functional. Blood vessels called arteries transport blood from the heart to various body parts. Dissolving cardiac stents are constructed of polylactide, a natural substance similar to that used to dissolve stitches.

Stents are typically made of metal. The same natural substance that is utilized in dissolving stitches, polylactide, is used to make dissolving heart stents. Cardiologists can treat a wider range of patients with heart artery blockages because to dissolving stents. Cardiologists can treat a wider range of patients with heart artery blockages because of dissolving stents. Dissolving stents may ultimately be less dangerous than metal stents since they are typically no longer required once normal blood flow has been restored.

Dissolving cardiac stents are implanted into the artery similarly to typical stents using a catheter, which is a thin, flexible tube with a balloon at one end. When the balloon is inflated, the stent is then extended into position, pushing against the artery wall to improve blood flow. After inserting the stent, the flexible tube and balloon are taken out. The diseased portion of the artery where the stent was implanted is frequently treated with medicine that is progressively released over time in both standard and dissolving stents. Stents that dissolve completely do so in around three years.

Now available is the Absorb Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold (BVS), a totally dissolving stent. A cardiac drug-eluting stent that eventually dissolves completely in the body, the Absorb dissolving heart stent is the first and only product of its kind. Absorb addresses coronary artery disease by leaving the damaged vessel open to restore blood flow, but once the artery is repaired, it dissolves and vanishes.

A fully dissolving stent called the Absorb Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold (BVS) is currently available. The Absorb dissolving heart stent, a coronary drug-eluting stent that eventually dissolves entirely in the body, is the first and only product of its kind. Absorb heals coronary artery disease by maintaining the affected vessel's opening to reestablish blood flow, but it dissolves and vanishes once the artery has been repaired.

The opening of a blood artery with a plaque obstruction is one of the most often used applications for a stent. The accumulation of cholesterol, fat, and other elements found in the blood is known as plaque. This plaque adheres to the artery walls when it builds up in the bloodstream. This accumulation causes the arteries to gradually get smaller, which reduces the amount of new blood that can get to the body.

Coronary heart disease is brought on by an accumulation of plaque in the arteries. People with narrower arteries may gradually start to experience warning signs including chest pain. People with the illness may have a higher risk of consequences, such as a heart attack or stroke if they do not undergo treatment.

Doctors could advise placing a stent in the artery to prevent it from collapsing or from getting blocked again. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), also known as angioplasty with a stent, is a technique in which doctors place a stent into an artery.

Doctors will put a catheter into the artery during PCI. A tiny balloon with a stent wrapped around it is on one end of the catheter.

The physician will inflate the balloon after the catheter has reached the obstruction. The stent grows and latches into place as the balloon expands. The stent will remain in place to keep the artery open when the doctor removes the catheter.

The size of the artery and the location of the blockage are two aspects that a doctor will consider before deciding whether or not to install a stent.

Stents may also be used by medical professionals to treat the following conditions:

• Lung bronchi that are in danger of collapsing

• bile ducts, which transport bile from the small intestine to the organs; ureters, which transport urine from the kidneys into the bladder;

  • Patients who have been told they have one or more artery blockages are encouraged to have a cardiac stent procedure.
  • Imaging tests to determine the presence of a blockage or its creation should be performed on patients with acute chest discomfort and those who have recently experienced minor strokes in order to make an early diagnosis.
  • It is critical to keep your surgeon informed of all prescription drugs you take. It is advised not to use any medications or substances that can impair your blood's ability to clot. aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, for instance.
  • Give up using alcohol and any tobacco-based products, including cigarettes.
  • Before the procedure, take the medication that the doctor has given. Make sure you get at the hospital with enough time to go through the last details.
  • After the surgery, be prepared to spend the night at the hospital. After the procedure, make plans for someone to drive you home while you are taking all of your prescriptions. Depending on your body type and condition, you may be asleep under general anesthesia or a local anesthetic. It is not advised to leave the hospital right away following that. Medical professionals advise not driving or signing any legal documents until the anesthetic's effects have worn off.
  •  A cardiac stent surgery is a minimally invasive procedure in which a catheter is inserted into the afflicted area through the groin or an incision is made on the side of the arm. The damaged area is subsequently targeted by the catheter, which is guided by fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopy is a dye-based imaging method that illuminates the body's arteries and aids the surgeon in locating the injured area. A second catheter with a balloon attached is placed after the first catheter. Once the catheter with the balloon is inside the constricted artery, it is made to expand, squeezing and pressing the plaque buildup against the arterial walls.
  •  The balloon continues to expand while leaving the stent in place, allowing the heart's supply of oxygen-rich blood to resume.

Before the surgery

People will receive medical advice on how to get ready for a stent surgery. Before the procedure, they will be informed of when to cease eating and drinking as well as when to begin or stop taking drugs.

You must disclose to your doctor if you have any additional medical conditions, such as diabetes or kidney disease. The doctor might then need to think about taking some more action. Before the stent is implanted, the patient may also be given a prescription to fill because they will need to start taking their meds right away.

During the surgery

A stent surgery only takes an hour and doesn't call for general anaesthesia, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteTrusted Source. Throughout the procedure, the patient is awake and able to hear any instructions the doctors may have.

The patient will receive medicine from the doctor to aid with relaxation. Additionally, the area where the catheter is inserted will be numbed. The catheter usually passes through the artery without most people feeling it. However, as the balloon fills and forces the stent into position, they can experience some discomfort.

The balloon is inflated once the stent has been implanted, and the catheter is then removed. To help stop bleeding, they apply pressure to the bandage and wrap the area where the catheter entered the skin.

After the surgery

After the procedure, the majority of patients will need to spend at least one night in the hospital. This enables medical personnel to keep an eye on the patient. A nurse will routinely monitor the patient's blood pressure and heart rate throughout their hospital stay. Additionally, they could clean the wound or alter the bandages.

If there are no difficulties, the patient may be discharged from the hospital the next day. It is typical for the insertion site to bleed and may form a tiny tissue knot as it heals. For at least a week, the region can still be sore.

© Copyrights by Dr.Karthik Tummala 2022 Developed By KL ADS